Who: Richard(author) and Tim

What: Backpacking

When: September, 2006

Where: Great Smoky Mountains, TN

Weather: (high/low)
Saturday    XX / XX
Sunday      XX / XX

        Tim and I took the Intrepid through Deal's Gap to get to the Twentymile ranger station. We saw a lot of motorcycle riders and some sports cars playing on the mountain curves. Our hike started on Saturday at the Twentymile ranger station along the Twentymile Trail then the Appalachian Trail where we camped at site 113. Sunday, we hiked along the Appalachian Trail to the Bald Trail and then the Wolf Ridge Trail. I somehow injured/pulled something in my hip and had a rough time because of it. We were supposed to stop at site 95 and camp, but I wasn't feeling great and we decided to hike out. Tim saw a bear in a tree and we saw some deer on Gregory Bald. I brought my new REI Roadster and Tim used his new bivy. We had to change the hike multiple times leading up to the trip because of bear closings. This was one of the most intense trips we have taken. I drove about 7 hours there Saturday morning and we hiked about 18 miles and drove 7 hours home on Sunday. I'll update the weather when I find my printouts from a year and a half ago.

The first 3/4 mile was nice and open.

After that the trail narrowed.

AT sign post. Not too much farther to camp.

Here's the fire/eating area of site 113.

There were some nice steps leading to a flat area.

We appreciated the time someone took to level out a sleeping area.

Richard's REI Roadster tent.

Nice shot of my 6lb. cot. Tent only weighs 3lb.

Tim's bivy setup. Very light weight.

Here's a log where some wasps live. I found out the hard way.

Most sites had a sign like this to show where to sleep/hang bearbags.

Some had these signs. Usually because people leave food for the bears.

Back on the trail and almost to Gregory Bald.

The folding chair didn't work all that well.

Almost time to leave the AT.

Other side.

Almost to Gregory Bald.

My original plan had us come in on this trail.

Same sign but with trail shot.

Tim leading. At least we're going up hill.

As we approched the top, we ran into some deer.

These deer were not scared of us.

Tim trying to feed the deer.

Me and my gear.

Survey marker.

Sign on top of the bald. Notice the bear warning sign under it.

Only 6.2 miles to go. We did about 12 total on Sunday.

Wolf Ridge Trail on the way out.

Tim waiting for me on a bridge. Almost done.