We finished up the installation of the glass, built a drum riser, and installed the trim in August. We started practicing in the room in September. It took a while but it was worth it. Anyone that has seen us knows that we play very loud. If I didn't wear earplugs, my ears would ring for days. If you stand outside, you can hear us playing but, it's comparable to someone watching a movie with surround sound. Most of the sound leakage comes from the roof. So far, the neighbors have not been able to hear or, move importantly, feel us playing. Jeremy has ordered the Auralex and we will be installing it soon.

Basic form for the drum riser.

Finished riser. It's covered in the same carpet as the floor.

Riser for the bass cabinets.

Glass installation finished. Inside shot.

Outside shot of the door and glass.

Two flash spots because of the angle on the 2nd pane.

Baseboard and crown molding behind drum riser.

Crown molding installed and walls ready for Auralex.